Friday, December 19, 2008

So Coral Cliffs Elementary School had it's first "Snow Day" in 10 years!!! On Thursday December 18th, the Washington County School District canceled school due to the snow we received. On Wednesday and Friday morning the children had enough snow to make snow-men and have some snowball fights... How fun!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Coral Cliffs School Choir

Coral Cliffs School Choir did an amazing job last week.

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Fourth Graders had an exciting visitor last Tuesday... A Real Live Mountain Man from Canada came to our school! He brought interesting furs, and contraptions. We also enjoyed an interesting slide presentation. He made wild animal calls and told some unbelievably "Tall Tales"!

Fancy Nancy

The Second Graders had an exciting visitor...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Halloween Parade

What a FUN Halloween Parade we had! It was particularly enjoyable to see Mrs. Mortensen dressed up as the Cat In The Hat!

Balloon Launch!

What an amazing sight to see so many balloons launch up into the atmosphere!